What to expect?
When you come you will be informed about how I work.
That is everything we talk about is confidential.
I don't settle for death and misfortune.
I also don't tune into 3rd person, it would be like reading someone else's diary.
I can't promise you what's to come, it could be present, past or a possible future.
I will give good advice along the way, and you are welcome to ask questions.
Afterwards I will go into myself and prepare to read you clairvoyantly.
After that, I will "read" you and convey what I get, with the help of my guides.
There is nothing wrong with what I get, but I can misunderstand what I receive, and it is therefore important that you say yes, no or I don't know that to what I convey.
If you talk too much or give me too much information, I can end up running out of energy and I have to start over, so it is best to wait until I say so.
There is an option for deceased contact, but it is not my strength for that, I would recommend Regression.